Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Assignment 6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

1. Economic- The Bond Market Is Giving Ominous Warnings About the Global Economy
    • Source:
    • I believe an opportunity exists because the article uses comparisons from past economic downturns and also compares the economy to other countries'. The article looks at Current Events and how it could have an impact on this trend and compares it in detail providing explanation.
    • I believe the prototypical customer will be the consumer in the United States. The article outlines that the current trends in the Bond Market is signifying the beginning stages of an economic downturn, so the consumer needs to be aware of it. This will likely affect home-buying, loans, and other government-subsidized programs.
    • In  this case, I believe the opportunity is going to be easy to exploit as although the notifications are subtle, the majority of the country is already planning for the next recession. The alertness will make it easy to capitalize on the opportunity presenting itself.
    • As a young adult in the process of getting out of the Rental Cycle and looking to buy a home, I identified this opportunity because a Recession will lower the price of homes, especially in my area. Both my fiance and I are in a stable position at work that will not be affected by economic downturn, so a recession affecting the home-buying industry will likely do more good than harm for people like us. However, although it may potentially benefit us, it may cause an issue for those in other fields that will have a direct impact, such as real estate or construction.
2. Economic- This Boutique Bike Shop Shows How Trump’s Tariffs Can Hit the Little Guy

    • Source:
    • I believe there is an opportunity because the article uses actual numbers and cites specific examples in the form of using a small bike business as an essential Case Study. The article takes prior sales and compares them to the company's current numbers to identify the trend with President Trump imposing higher tariffs in relation to trade with China.
    • The prototypical customer, in this case, would be the small business owners who get their product from China. They see the most direct connection with the tariff due to them importing their goods or manufactured product from China, so the opportunity would make them the most identified customer.
    • The opportunity will be difficult to exploit, as it has to do with government-approved tariffs. Finding an opportunity to benefit these small business owners would require the entrepreneur to not cross any wires with the government, causing it to be more difficult to see it come to fruition.
    • I identified this opportunity because quite a bit of the members of the association I work for are small business owners. We have a variety of membership types, ranging from contractors to suppliers, and I believe all parties would be affected by this. The suppliers would see a direct connection if they are getting their product from China and would thus need to increase their cost to make up for it. The contractors would then need to pay them more for their product due to the rise in tariffs.
3. Regulatory- Federal Travel Regulation; Clarification of Payment In Kind for Speakers at Meetings and Similar Functions

    • Source:
    • I believe there is an opportunity here based on the specific requirements outlined in the Regulation. Speakers who are traveling for the purposes of a convention or meeting usually receive "in kind" donations and this regulation is proposing a change in the parameters of what is included.
    • The prototypical customer would be the Speakers themselves, as this regulation has a direct influence on what they are allowed to receive as "in-kind" donations. As such, they are not able to receive a waived or discounted registration fee in regards to expensing their travel.
    • The opportunity would be difficult to exploit as there is a lot of gray area associated to "in kind" payment and donation. 
    • I identified this opportunity as an event planner because we often have speakers and guests at our events which we allow in for free. If this goes through, they must pay the full price and expense it in order for them to participate in speaking.
4. Regulatory- Safety Zone for Fireworks Display; Patapsco River- Middle Branch, Baltimore, MD

    • Source:
    • I believe there is an opportunity in this regulation because they are planning on closing off an entire portion of the River due to the Fireworks celebration. This route is often used as travel and could potentially cause delays if it is closed for too long or at the wrong time of day.
    • The prototypical customer would be those that use the Patapsco River as a method of transportation- ie, small boats and cargo barges.
    • The opportunity would be easy to exploit as this is only during a set time of day to make room for Fourth of July fireworks.
    • I identified this opportunity because I enjoy watching fireworks, particularly over bodies of water. I know a similar regulation must be in place for the annual Thunder Over Louisville fireworks display in Louisville, Kentucky so I found this regulation interesting.

Assignment 5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Assignment 5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

  1. "Hotel rooms going super fast - Super Bowl in Miami expected to draw tens of thousands of visitors" --

    • This article, dated May 26th 2019 outlines South Florida's need for hotel rooms in anticipation of the Super Bowl to be held at Hard Rock Stadium in February of 2020. The article states that most mid-to-high end hotels & resorts in both Fort Lauderdale and Miami are already sold out a week in advance of the large event, and South Florida is anticipating even more demand. New hotels are opening, such as Fort Lauderdale Beach's The Dalmar as well as the new Guitar-Shaped Resort at the Hard Rock, creating additional lodging space, but it is anticipated that AirBnB will be a resource that is heavily relied on during this time as well.
    • The problem stated in the article is an overall lack of accommodation space to house the amount of people potentially attending the Super Bowl. Even with new resorts opening in time for the event, South Florida faces a problem not only in housing attendees but also in transportation surrounding the event. 
    • Those attending are facing the problem mentioned above. The article states that when Atlanta held the SuperBowl, airport TSA Agents saw over 100,000 attendees pass through the gates. Geographically, Atlanta is more desirable and accessible than Miami, so it is anticipated that the airports will see more traffic than before. These people flying in from out of town are facing difficulty in finding accommodation as the rooms that are left available are skyrocketing in price, including lower-end hotels (such as the Choice Brand or Comfort Suites), and are creating a problem for those trying to travel.
2.  "LauderTrail would offer pedestrians safe refuge - Plan to create 7 miles of urban trails offering shelter from cars in the works" --
    • This article, dated May 26th 2019 talks about a proposed set of trails that will connect various cultural sites, parks and historical landmarks to each other in a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly manner. The City of Fort Lauderdale intends to do this through a series of "trails" that will weave throughout the city in the forms of separate bike paths with specific "LauderTrail" indicators, a bike lane separate from vehicular traffic, and potentially bridges and tunnels that connect through busy areas. Ideally, they would see this take you all the way to the beach via the 17th Street Causeway and allow for pedestrian traffic to coexist with vehicular traffic without one interfering with the other.
    • The problem that this is attempting to fix is the amount of vehicular accidents that have affected pedestrians and cyclists in Fort Lauderdale. South Florida encourages people to get out and walk or ride a bike (or "scoot" if you're in Downtown Fort Lauderdale and find an electric BIRD scooter) and over the years, we have seen an increase in pedestrians and cyclists being killed by motorists. The article proposes a solution that is a win-win for both pedestrians and motorists, as the trail that is being proposed is neither a hindrance to motorists, but also allots a designated area for pedestrian traffic.
    • Those facing the problem are both the pedestrians and the motorists. While the pedestrians run the risk of potentially being struck by oncoming traffic, motorists also experience pedestrians not using designated crosswalks or J-Walking due to inconvenient street and crosswalk placement. Both of these parties face the problem with each other and would see a benefit from this solution.

    • This article, dated May 24th 2019 explains an unknown disease that is killing off Coral Reefs in South Florida. This dangerous disease is harmful not just to the coral, but also to the entire ecosystem that resides in the Reef. As the Coral die off, the fish and other sea creatures that inhabit the Reef leave in search of another, more fruitful home. In the article, marine biologists transported parts of the Coral Reef to the Ocean Campus of Nova Southeastern University where the Coral will be housed in tanks while the sunlight and environment is monitored. It is hoped that through supervision, researchers will be able to determine what is causing the disease and attempt to preserve what's remaining of the Reefs.
    • The problem identified in the article is the Unknown Disease that is killing off the Coral Reefs. Researchers have been unable to determine what causes the disease or what the disease is, so they are attempting to monitor the reefs in the hopes they can dissect how to cure it.
    • Strangely, those that have the problem are the Coral Reefs. I can't exactly define this as a "market" because this is an environmental problem. Going hand in hand with the Reefs, I guess you can say that the marine biologists working on this are also affected by this problem in their attempt to preserve the marine life in these Coral Reefs.

    • This article, dated May 23, 2019 talks about the expansion of Virgin Trains, formerly Brightline, from solely South Florida to include Orlando. The idea is that the train will connect South Florida to 4 or 5 different locations in Orlando, including Disney, Universal Studios, Downtown and others. There is a 36-month schedule on the project and it is anticipated to be completed in 2022. There is also discussion of other locations, including a Treasure Coast stop and a Tampa stop as well.
    • The problem that this article relates to is that of poor public transportation opportunities in South Florida. Prior to the addition of Virgin Trains, the only public transportation available was City busses, the Tri-Rail, or the Amtrak, all of which are very outdated with questionable cleanliness and may include routes that are not conducive to taking those options. The addition of this rail-line has already impacted the community as it provides a safe and modern way to travel the counties. I, myself, have used the Brightline from Fort Lauderdale to Miami on multiple occasions and think it is a great option to avoid the treacherous drive on I-95 to Miami.
    • Any driver or public transportation user is affected by the problem. South Florida is extremely dense in population, so sometimes it takes 30 minutes to go 3 miles. Having accessible methods of public transportation eliminates some congestion on the roads and allows for a less stressful transport, especially during heavy commuter hours. T

    • This article, dated May 22, 2019 outlines a $3 Million subsidy granted to a developer looking to build a Comfort Suites in Northwest Fort Lauderdale. The area being proposed, known as the Avenue of the Arts or by its street name "Sistrunk" has historically been a low-income area. Recently, the location has seen strong development with new opportunities on the horizon such as a Brewery and Blues Club, as well as others. It is the hopes that this hotel will bring additional value to the area and help to transform it into an area for tourism and entertainment.
    • The problem this article relates to is the type of hotel being built. A Comfort Suites is not known for being a reputable brand as it typically offers a lower-budget option. If the City's hope is for gentrification, the type of hotel being built should be of a more reputable caliber such as a Hampton Inn by Hilton or Courtyard by Marriott. The Choice Brand franchise of Comfort Suites typically has lower rates associated with it, and it will not attract the type of clientele the city is hoping to get in that area.
    • Those affected will be the ones living in this area. Low budget hotels often bring crime sprees along with it, such as prostitution and drug dealing so the direct community will be affected by the addition. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Assignment 4A - Forming an Opportunity Belief

I have a belief that there is an opportunity to improve Communication between Management and Line-Level employees, particularly in the service industry. After having experienced an extreme lack in communication when coordinating my event at Cabo Flats last week, it led me to think about whether this lacking was due to management poorly communicating with their staff, the staff not retaining the passed on information, or that there is no standardized way to get the information out to each other. For this reason, I felt there was a need to standardize or make communication between staff easier to therefore promote accountability. I believe that this "need" varies from operation to operation, as more specialized industries seem to have adapted effective methods (such as the construction industry's BIM Modeling and use of iPads on Job sites), however I've noticed a serious deficit in service-oriented industries such as Restaurants or Hotels. I would hope to establish some form of Standardized Training Procedure or method of communication that can be provided to these organizations that tend to suffer. This may include a "Portal" page outlining who is scheduled on-shift, items currently "86'ed", large parties expected to arrive, or special accommodations that need to be recognized such as food allergies. This is especially apparent in interdepartmental communication in a facility such as a hotel when a guest checks in at the front desk, notifies the agent of an allergy but it does not get passed on to the on site restaurants or room service. I believe this need has always existed, but it is one that must keep getting reformed as society changes.

Interviewee #1 - Food Runner/Server at Ethos Mediterranean Grille

Q) Describe the Structure of your department. Do you have Direct Reports? How many Bosses do you have?
A) Owner/CEO, vice CEO, acting AGM for sister restaurant, general manager partnership, night manager, servers (shift lead each night)

Q) What do you feel is the number 1 thing your department needs to improve on?
A) communication between management to servers; sense of urgency with manager’s duties

Q) Describe the process of communication in an example of a last minute change being made to an event or large party. Who does it start with and how do you fit into it?
A) catering manager will take it over and will defer to the chefs with changes. Everything will then verbally be communicated to management and then to servers.

Q) Do you use any kind of technology to communicate?
A) scheduling app called 7Shift- they have used this frequently with message boards but there is still a lack

Q) If no, do you feel your team would benefit from having some form of technology for this purpose?
A) no, it would conflict the other ones we use

Q) Do you feel that communication is satisfactory in your department or organization?
         - If so, do you feel this is an individual belief or is it the consensus? Is it a industry-wide belief or does it apply only to your company/department?
A) no; general consensus. Industry-wide through small restaurants and businesses not through large chains

Q) Is there a constant need to improve communication?
A) yes

Q) How do you currently handle communication in an unsatisfactory situation?
A)listen, apologize, find manager for solution and thank the guest for their cooperation and patience

Q) Do you have any practices that you excel at as a department that other companies may benefit from?
A) Adaptation

Q) Does poor communication ever affect your day-to-day productivity?
A) yes especially if a large policy has changed. I will have to come back to things later

Q) On a scale of 1-10 how effective do you believe your communication is?
A) 5; not terrible but could be improved


Q) Do you feel your communication style is effective and efficient for your company/department/team?
A) No, I feel like this should be continuously improving. It causes a lot of confusion on shift.

Q) Do you think overall communication from Top Managers to Line-Level is satisfactory?
A) No

Q) How can this be improved?
A) By finding a more standardized way of communicating or receiving effective training for all of staff.

Interviewee #2 - Assistant Director of Front Office at the Boca Raton Resort & Club

Q) Describe the Structure of your department. Do you have Direct Reports? How many Bosses do you have?

Q) What do you feel is the number 1 thing your department needs to improve on?
A) Individual Empowerment

Q) Describe the process of communication in an example of a last minute change being made to an event or large party. Who does it start with and how do you fit into it?
A) Updated group resume sent out to everyone regarding changes highlighted; email notification to department heads; meeting with meeting planner to discuss changes; changes discussed in pre-shift stand up meetings.

Q) Do you use any kind of technology to communicate?
A) Shiftnote, email, WhatsApp for VIP Tracking, phone communication

Q) If no, do you feel your team would benefit from having some form of technology for this purpose?
A) Only thing additional would be radio and headsets for quick communication

Q) Do you feel that communication is satisfactory in your department or organization?
         - If so, do you feel this is an individual belief or is it the consensus? Is it a industry-wide belief or does it apply only to your company/department?
A) Yes.  Both my individual belief and general consensus; no, I feel like it applies industry-wide.

Q) Is there a constant need to improve communication?
A) Always

Q) How do you currently handle communication in an unsatisfactory situation?
A) Documentation

Q) Do you have any practices that you excel at as a department that other companies may benefit from?
A) Individual one-on-ones and annual reviews on performance

Q) Does poor communication ever affect your day-to-day productivity?
A) It can, but we have established a momentum in which it does not usually. If it does, it is on a smaller scale such as rooms not being ready in time.

Q) On a scale of 1-10 how effective do you believe your communication is?
A) 8

A) There's always room for improvement so it will never be a perfect 10

Q) Do you feel your communication style is effective and efficient for your company/department/team?
A) Yes

Q) Do you think overall communication from Top Managers to Line-Level is satisfactory?
A) Yes, but not from Line Level to Top Managers.

Q) How can this be improved?
A) Implementing Best Practices and establishing good habits of over-communicating on completion of tasks, guest issues, etc.

Interviewee #3 - Director of Membership Operations and Foundation Development at Associated Builders & Contractors, Florida East Coast Chapter

Q) Describe the Structure of your department. Do you have Direct Reports? How many Bosses do you have?

Q) What do you feel is the number 1 thing your department needs to improve on?
A) Interdepartmental communication.

Q) Describe the process of communication in an example of a last minute change being made to an event or large party. Who does it start with and how do you fit into it?
A) Ideally, it would be a phone call, but last resort would be through e-mail outlining the change. Depending on the issue, it would start with the VP of membership and end with me.

Q) Do you use any kind of technology to communicate?
A) E-mail

Q) If no, do you feel your team would benefit from having some form of technology for this purpose?
A) Yes; any sort of business-oriented direct messaging would make a difference.

Q) Do you feel that communication is satisfactory in your department or organization?
         - Do you feel this is an individual belief or is it the consensus? Is it a industry-wide belief or does it apply only to your company/department?
A) No- Even though we are small, communication is lacking because it is either assumed and there is little accountability. If there is no paper trail, there was no conversation. I feel it is the general consensus in the office. I think it applies only to us as an association.

Q) Is there a constant need to improve communication?
A) Always. It is extremely important across all industries.

Q) How do you currently handle communication in an unsatisfactory situation?
A) Ideally one on one with immediate email follow-up; Paper Trail.

Q) Do you have any practices that you excel at as a department that other companies may benefit from?
A)  Our extreme turnaround time of idea genesis. We are able to have new ideas come to fruition within a short amount of time.

Q) Does poor communication ever affect your day-to-day productivity?
A) Yes- every day. We can say "Poor Communication" as improper because sometimes throughout the day, my direct boss will disrupt my work flow with excessive and irrelevant communication.

Q) On a scale of 1-10 how effective do you believe your communication is?
A) 7/7.5

A) While we're not the most efficient at communication internally and externally, we are good at being consistent.

Q) Do you feel your communication style is effective and efficient for your company/department/team?
A) I do. I think it compliments the "old-school" mindset that tends to follow the construction mindset.

Q) Do you think overall communication from Top Managers to Line-Level is satisfactory?
A) No

Q) How can this be improved?
A) There needs to be more direct and less passive.


Overall Reflection:

Through the three interviews I conducted, one thing that stuck out to me was the difference in opinion about the communication satisfaction between line-level employees and Department Heads. In reviewing this, I believe it solidifies my idea that there is a serious disconnect between the two. This is shown in the Food Runner/Server as well as the manager with no direct reports. It was surprising to me that there was a general consensus between the department heads that they believed their communication was effective while the line-levels believed it was not. I found it interesting that the department heads believed their communication to be efficient while their industry has an extremely high turnover rate.


All of my original opportunity remains.  In fact, I believe that the disconnect between the line-level employees and the department heads solidifies my recognition that there is an opportunity. For this reason, I believe some form of standardization should arise where the Department Heads and their reports should sit together to develop the best way for each of them to communicate rather than one party telling the other "this is how it is going to be". Through this method, both parties will believe their voice is being heard and will take the necessary steps to communicate with the other. I believe my opportunity is refined. Rather than saying I believe there should be a standardization portal, I now believe there should be a standardized process to developing effective communication between the two parties, as it differs in every situation.  Based off of these conclusions, I believe entrepreneurs must adapt to the feedback of the customers. The entrepreneur likely has a skewed opinion on how their product may benefit the consumer (much to the similarity as the department head having a skewed opinion on how their communication is satisfactory), and if that differs significantly while the entrepreneur holds firm, the consumer will have no interest in their product and the entrepreneur will likely fail.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Assignment 2A - Bug List

My Bug List

1. My Discord Server Music Bot does not let me play and shuffle the playlists I have created in Spotify.
WHY: In the past the bot has played my created playlists as long as I connected it with a link. It is no longer linking my Patreon account to the bot and saying I am not a high enough donor to use this feature.
2. My cat finds small objects and plays with them at 2 AM waking me up.
WHY: I do a poor job of hiding small objects or neglect to put things away. He finds them and knocks them off to play with on my tile floor.
3. It takes me fifteen minutes to drive the 3 miles to work from Copans Road to Coconut Creek Pkwy.
WHY: Poor streetlight setup in that all the lights are green/red at different times. If you are stuck at the light before, you will be stopped at the next light within 1000 feet of the prior one.
4. The candle I lit will not stay burning for longer than 15 minutes.
WHY: The wick has been burned too low into the wax that the wax takes over the wick causing it to unlight.
5. My Discord will not let me Stream movies to my friends while in video call.
WHY: After updating Discord, it is not as compatible with flash as it used to be so when streaming it cuts to black if I leave unattended.
6. The door at Starbucks squeaks very loudly and opens/closes slowly.
WHY: The hinges need to be oiled, but none of the employees are willing to handle it.
7. The girl in the Starbucks drive-thru cannot hear my friend in the passenger seat while ordering.
WHY: The microphone in the Drive-Thru is weak either from Wear & Tear or poor quality overall.
8. The staff at the restaurant my event is booked at seems confused by my requests which are outlined in the e-mail communication with their manager.
WHY: The manager has poorly communicated with them, if at all. They are not trained to listen to the client's needs and it is "yes" before it is "no".
9. The Gardenia Parking Garage at CityPlace in West Palm Beach payment directions are confusing.
WHY: This is a new feature in the last few months and people likely have not had much experience in using it. Since it is in its beta test, they will continue to make updates.
10. The Access Database I am utilizing at work requires me to input each attendee individually as opposed to uploading a spreadsheet and auto-populating all fields.
WHY: This feature does exist- however those running the Database creation/update in our National Office have not yet implemented it for reasons unknown.
11. The mail carrier marks our Condo as vacant if we don't pick up the mail in 3 days.
WHY: Laziness or poor protocol.
12. My car's auto start/stop feature affects performance and will not let me permanently turn it off. Instead, I must do it every time I get in the car.
WHY: Engineering in the car prevents this from being a permanent change. The idea is that turning off the car when idle will cause less emissions so there is no permanent feature.
13. My Roomba keeps getting stuck on my rug.
WHY: My rug is either too thick or my Roomba's sensors are too sensitive. We must monitor it in order to make sure it doesn't get stuck.
14. My HBO is not working and requiring me to call Xfinity even though it is included in our monthly premium.
WHY: Xfinity had problems following a system outage in my area last week and are still working to get every channel back up and running.
15. The wi-fi at work consistently cuts out causing my printer in my office to disconnect.
WHY: My IT department needs to order a new wireless router but has yet to do so.
16. My Sharpie Pen runs out of ink too quickly.
WHY: Either it is me using the pen too much, or the cartridge they are utilizing does not hold enough ink.
17. I receive Spam e-mails trying to sell me things using celebrities' names. Today's was Brad Paisley.
WHY: Poor firewall on my work e-mail. We may need to look into upgrading our system.
18. Receiving a "cold call" email attempting to sell an ambiguous product and my company's name is spelled incorrectly or is incomplete.
WHY: Insufficient training or lack of experience.
19. My "Discover Weekly" on Spotify gives me a list of songs I do not like or have already listened to.
WHY: The algorithm used to determine what songs are to be included needs to be revamped or is out of date.
20. Spotify's "radio" does not produce well-known music or music that fits the genre or is similar to the artist correctly.
WHY: This also may be the algorithm used to produce the music being generated.



This proved to be more difficult than I initially anticipated but also easier than I planned for. I did this in three different segments, coming up with at least five in each sitting. It was interesting because after I began this assignment, I started to look at things differently in the world and actually writing down the little things that "bugged" me as they occurred. One thing in particular I noticed was the amount of service issues that appeared on this list. I believe this is a reflection of my work ethic given my Hospitality and People-Oriented Background. With service issues, however, I noted it was rather difficult to determine a specific "WHY" as it may be related to an individual attitude issue, a problem with training or simply that the standard operating procedure in itself was lacking.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Assignment 3A - Your Entrepreneurship Story

My Entrepreneurship Story

To be honest, I can't say I've really been close to being an Entrepreneur. I find that I can be creative, but I have to be given a set of parameters and then create something from those. Luckily, this is exactly what is needed in my line of work as an Event Planner. Often times, my boss gives me her big picture idea of what she imagines for a particular event. I tend to refer to her as the "brains" since she's the initial idea-maker and refer to myself as the "brawn" since I make it happen.

This was different in my last job, though. I formerly worked in a five-star hotel called the Boca Raton Resort & Club and worked my way through the ranks from the systematic Front Desk Agent, got my first dose of management as a Front Office Supervisor, and then quickly jumped ship into the Sales Department where I was thrown into a unique experience. I accepted a position referred to as the "Site Coordinator" and it was one that was essentially a blank slate. The Resort noted a particular need for assistance in partnering with the Sales Managers as they sold the hotel for conventions and large programs and looked for someone to streamline their progress into the New Age of the "Site Experience" rather than a standard Site Inspection. Previously, Meeting Planners and Event Coordinators would source the hotel for their program in search of meeting space and overnight accommodations, and they would simply come for a quick tour and maybe a meal in one of the restaurants with one of the Sales Managers. This new era of the "Site Experience" took a three hour minimal encounter to a 24-48 hour Wine-and-Dine event where we would have our Executive Chef creating an interactive dinner for the Sales Manager and clients joined by our General Manager and other Executive Committee members. 

These changes required assistance on the back-end of things. Sales Managers could no longer rely on the Administrative Assistants who were also working on Contracts and client correspondence to drop their daily routine to plan these extravaganzas and go walk the floors to ensure everything was in perfect showing order. Thus, the need for a Site Coordinator was proven and I was brought in to execute. 

I was initially under the impression that I would be given guidelines at the very least, however this proved false in my first few weeks in the role. My only guideline was: Make it happen. 

So I did. I made it happen. I wrote out Standard Operating Procedures for future Site Coordinators of the Boca Resort, I developed new and successful procedures (mostly through trial and error) and assisted in establishing a set outline of expectations from department to department. Eventually, we began converting more and more Prospective programs to Definite ones, and we increased our conversion ratio from 30% when I started to 66% at my time of departure from the Resort two years later. 

Image result for boca raton resort and club


I enrolled in this class given my history in various roles throughout the Hospitality Industry and now Meeting & Events History. I decided that exploring my creative side may be worthwhile and based on what I had heard about the class, I thought this was the best way to do so. In my Advising session upon entrance into the UF Online program, Brandi Tennant mentioned that this was a class that got you physically in front of people and given my current position as an Events Coordinator, I thought I could use this opportunity to network with the member base that's connected with my Association.